Back Pain
A 60+ years old male patient had bad back pain when decorated house, came to office next day, his waist can’t bend over, can’t turn, hard to change position, pain score 6-7, located on L4-5, radiated to hip area. In first two days, had an acupuncture treatment per day, asked patient to wear waist brace whole day, on 4thrd day, pain score 2-3, located on lower back only, continue one acupuncture treatment with infrared Lamp. Almost no back pain when left.
Shoulder Pain
A 70+ years old male patient had shoulder pain, diagnosed of rotator cuff syndrome , surgery required. But patient didn’t want the surgery, he like to try acupuncture. Pain is sharp, score is 7-8, limited movement, high skin temperature, pain worse at night, hard to fall into sleep. Fist 3 days, had acupuncture treatment per day, sharp pain reduced after first treatment, turn to dull pain, shin temperature turn to normal, slept well. Continue acupuncture treatment with moxa, every other day for two weeks, add exercise to enlarge motion range, pain score 2, shoulder function 80%. Afterward, acupuncture treatment once a week to maintain the condition, more exercise.
Quitting Smoking
A 50 years old male patient, smoked for 35 years, 20-30 cigarettes a day, heavy, bad breath, had yellow phlegm, which is worse in the morning, felt pressure on the chest. Since the symptoms were getting worse, started to bother his sleep, work and his relationship, he decided to quite. After Chinese medicine diagnosis we provided the healing plan for acupuncture treatment everyday for the first 4 days, then, continued with one week Chinese herb treatment. From the first day of treatment, he can drop down to 4 cigarettes a day, only when he drove, drink more water instead, had smooth, good breath, no pressure on the chest, no depression, anxiety or sleeplessness. On the contrary, he felt more energy, better moods, sleep is pretty good. With additional two weeks of treatment (3 times acupuncture per week), he quitted smoking without any side effect, no weight gain.
Fertility Help
A 40 year old female patient, who had never been pregnant, came in seeking acupuncture fertility treatment supporting her second IVF procedure. Since she already start the hormonal treatments, we decided to use acupuncture every other day until ovulation, plus moxibustion. After transfer phase, only acupuncture once a week for two weeks. Our treatment approach uses acupuncture and localized heat application on carefully selected points targeted to enhance uterine blood flow, enhance the parasympathetic system, correct imbalance in the autonomic nervous system, and recover quickly from the stress in order to avoid the harmful consequences of prolonged stress. She had much better result on each phase and no stress at all. She became pregnant during the second IVF cycle.
Please call 202-669-8566 to make an appointment.